If you are looking to raise large sums of cash to build your business Angel investors are essential. It’s a long-winded process that requires lots of networking and effort. It is important to approach the right people, and be armed with a strong business plan, pitch deck, and a quality product or service.

You must first conduct some research and learn about the person you’re considering approaching. Using platforms such as LinkedIn or Crunchbase is a good method to find out their investments and their areas of expertise. This will allow you www.boardareaonline.org/advice-for-approaching-angel-investors-in-the-uk/ cross some potential investors off your list and will also provide you with an idea of what they’re looking for in a company.

Then, create a document that outlines your concept, the size of the market, as well as the experience and background of your team. The document should be written in Guy Kawasaki’s style (meaning, 10 slides in 20 minutes) and should be concise, clear and straight to the point.

Participating in events where you can meet potential angels is an effective way to get your company’s name in front of them. You may be able pitch directly to them.

Angel groups are more formal than individuals, and have meetings and due diligence. This increases their likelihood to manage a round of financing and provide crucial support in the beginning stages of your business.